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Bear Hooded Baby Winter Coat

Bear Hooded Baby Winter Coat

Regular price $49.88 AUD
Sale price $49.88 AUD
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High-Quality Materials: Crafted from high-quality cotton, this winter coat is both gentle on your baby's delicate skin and durable for everyday wear. The outer layer offers resistance against wind and light precipitation, while the inner lining provides a soft and comfortable feel.
Exceptional Warmth and Insulation:  The soft and insulating materials trap heat efficiently, ensuring your little one stays toasty during outdoor adventures or family outings.
Easy On-and-Off Design: Dressing your baby is a breeze with our winter coat's user-friendly design. The front zipper make it easy to put on and take off.
Irresistibly Cute Bear Hood: This winter coat features an adorable bear-shaped hood, complete with cute ears that will melt your heart.
Machine Washable: This winter coat is machine washable, making clean-up a breeze after all those adorable outdoor escapades.


Material: Cotton

Age: 1-5 Years Old

Season: Winter

Gender: Unisex

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Handling time is approximately 2 - 5 business days. Delivery takes approximately 5 - 14 days depending on your location.

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If our courier partners cannot leave the parcel unattended at your delivery address it will be taking to the nearest post office for collection.

You will have up to 10 business days to collect the parcel from your local post office. If not, the parcel will be returned to sender.

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If an order is returned to sender for one of the above reasons, you will need to wait until the item is returned to us and then request redelivery.

This will incur a $10.95 fee if you would prefer a refund, a $10.95 fee will be deducted to help cover our shipping costs, processing fees and restocking costs.