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Baby Hippo

8 in 1 Baby Bottle Cleaner Brush Set

8 in 1 Baby Bottle Cleaner Brush Set

Regular price $29.99 AUD
Regular price $30.00 AUD Sale price $29.99 AUD
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High-Quality Silicone Material: Made from durable and food-grade silicone material, our brushes are safe, non-toxic, and gentle on delicate surfaces, ensuring thorough cleaning without scratching or damaging your baby's bottles or accessories.

Versatile Brushes: Each brush is specifically designed to clean different parts of baby bottles and accessories, ensuring efficient removal of milk residue, formula, and stubborn stains.

Efficient Cleaning: The soft and flexible silicone bristles effectively remove dirt and bacteria, ensuring that your baby's bottles are thoroughly sanitized and free from harmful germs.

Compact and Portable Case: Our set comes with a compact and lightweight case that keeps all the brushes neatly organised and protected, making it easy to carry in your diaper bag or stroller when traveling.


Material: Silicone

Package Included:1 Pack 8 in 1 Baby Bottle Cleaner Brush Set

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You will have up to 10 business days to collect the parcel from your local post office. If not, the parcel will be returned to sender.

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This will incur a $10.95 fee if you would prefer a refund, a $10.95 fee will be deducted to help cover our shipping costs, processing fees and restocking costs.